Image Quality and Radiation Dose of High-Pitch Dual-Source Spiral Cardiothoracic Computed Tomography in Young Children with Congenital Heart Disease: Comparison of Non-Electrocardiography Synchronization and Prospective Electrocardiography Triggering

  • Goo, Hyun Woo (Department of Radiology and Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center)
  • Received : 2018.02.05
  • Accepted : 2018.05.08
  • Published : 2018.12.01


Objective: To compare image quality and radiation dose of high-pitch dual-source spiral cardiothoracic computed tomography (CT) between non-electrocardiography (ECG)-synchronized and prospectively ECG-triggered data acquisitions in young children with congenital heart disease. Materials and Methods: Eighty-six children (${\leq}3$ years) with congenital heart disease who underwent high-pitch dual-source spiral cardiothoracic CT were included in this retrospective study. They were divided into two groups (n = 43 for each; group 1 with non-ECG-synchronization and group 2 with prospective ECG triggering). Patient-related parameters, radiation dose, and image quality were compared between the two groups. Results: There were no significant differences in patient-related parameters including age, cross-sectional area, body density, and water-equivalent area between the two groups (p > 0.05). Regarding radiation dose parameters, only volume CT dose index values were significantly different between group 1 ($1.13{\pm}0.09mGy$) and group 2 ($1.07{\pm}0.12mGy$, p < 0.02). Among image quality parameters, significantly higher image noise ($3.8{\pm}0.7$ Hounsfield units [HU] vs. $3.3{\pm}0.6HU$, p < 0.001), significantly lower signal-to-noise ratio ($105.0{\pm}28.9$ vs. $134.1{\pm}44.4$, p = 0.001) and contrast-to-noise ratio ($84.5{\pm}27.2$ vs. $110.1{\pm}43.2$, p = 0.002), and significantly less diaphragm motion artifacts ($3.8{\pm}0.5$ vs. $3.7{\pm}0.4$, p < 0.04) were found in group 1 compared with group 2. Image quality grades of cardiac structures, coronary arteries, ascending aorta, pulmonary trunk, lung markings, and chest wall showed no significant difference between groups (p > 0.05). Conclusion: In high-pitch dual-source spiral pediatric cardiothoracic CT, additional ECG triggering does not substantially reduce motion artifacts in young children with congenital heart disease.



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