Utilization Characteristics and User Satisfaction by Type of Physical Therapy Service in Senior Centers

  • Song, Eseul (Department of Healthcare and Public Health Research, National Rehabilitation Research Institute, National Rehabilitation Center) ;
  • Kim, Giwon (Department of Research Institute of Health Science, Korea University)
  • 투고 : 2018.07.27
  • 심사 : 2018.08.31
  • 발행 : 2018.08.31


Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the characteristics of physical therapy service utilization and user satisfaction depending on the experience with therapeutic exercise or ultrasound intervention among elderly persons using senior centers. Methods: The subjects were adults aged over 60 years (total 215) recruited in 40 senior centers located in each province in South Korea. Subjects responded to questions concerning overall demographics factors, utilized characteristics of physical therapy service and 12 variety user satisfactions with effectiveness, facilities, and therapist using a survey instrument. The collected data were analyzed by Fishers' exact tests and t-tests using the SPSS 21.0 program to compare the results of elderly persons who had or had not experienced exercise therapy or ultrasound therapy. Results: The participants that experienced ultrasound therapy or therapeutic exercise reported significantly higher overall results pertaining to effectiveness of physical therapy and a clear explanation from physical therapist's satisfaction than those who were non-experienced. Satisfaction with pain relief was significantly higher among elderly who experienced therapeutic exercise than those who did not. Those who underwent ultrasound therapy showed significantly higher satisfaction with facilities and location than those who did not. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that satisfaction among users differs by type of physical therapy. In the future, physiotherapy services provided in senior centers needs to be designed to improve the effectiveness of physical therapy, professionalism of physical therapists and comfort of facility.



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