비고츠키의 근접발달영역을 고려한 수학과 교수·학습 프로그램연구

A Study on Mathematics Teaching and Learning Program based on Zone of Proximal Development of Vygotsky

  • 투고 : 2018.07.03
  • 심사 : 2018.08.10
  • 발행 : 2018.08.31


There has been researches for effective education. Among them, many researchers are striving to apply Zone of Proximal Development of Vygotsky which is emphasizing the social interaction in the field of teaching and learning. Researchers usually research based on individual or small group of students. However the math class in school relies on system that one teacher teach many students in reality. So this research will look for the effect that the teaching and learning program based on Zone of Proximal Development of Vygotsky by designing the teaching and learning program which is based on scaffolding structuring to overcome the zone of proximal development in many-students class. The results of this research are as follows: First, the studying program considered the theory of Vygotsky has a positive effect on improving the mathematical achievement of elementary student. Second, the studying program considered the theory of Vygotsky has a positive effect on improving the student's studying attitude upon mathematics.



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