The objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics of persons with a high sugar-intake ratio (%E) and factors affecting sugar-intake ratio with the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey ($6^{th}$ KNHANES). The sugar-intake ratio is the calories of sugar from processed food divided by the daily total intake of calories. In this research we used two statistical methods, the cluster analysis and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Cluster analysis was used to classify groups of sugar-intake ratios. For analysis of factors affecting the sugar-intake ratio, we applied the ANOVA. Korean have about a 3.89% sugar-intake ratio from processed food per day. The demographic characteristics of people with higher sugar-intake ratios were found to be more women than men, younger men with less education, more people in the household, smaller height, weight waistline and body mass index (BMI). Also office worker, lower drinking frequency, not getting a hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, lower breakfast and dinnner frequency, not experiencing nutritional education, and not using nutritional labeling. For reducing intake sugar in what are called health-hazardable nutrients in the food sanitation act, it is necessary to educate the people with high sugar ratio who were identified in this study.