Vision-based Predictive Model on Particulates via Deep Learning

  • Kim, SungHwan (Department of Statistics, Keimyung University) ;
  • Kim, Songi (Department of Statistics, Keimyung University)
  • Received : 2017.09.19
  • Accepted : 2018.05.23
  • Published : 2018.09.01


Over recent years, high-concentration of particulate matters (e.g., a.k.a. fine dust) in South Korea has increasingly evoked considerable concerns about public health. It is intractable to track and report $PM_{10}$ measurements to the public on a real-time basis. Even worse, such records merely amount to averaged particulate concentration at particular regions. Under this circumstance, people are prone to being at risk at rapidly dispersing air pollution. To address this challenge, we attempt to build a predictive model via deep learning to the concentration of particulates ($PM_{10}$). The proposed method learns a binary decision rule on the basis of video sequences to predict whether the level of particulates ($PM_{10}$) in real time is harmful (>$80{\mu}g/m^3$) or not. To our best knowledge, no vision-based $PM_{10}$ measurement method has been proposed in atmosphere research. In experimental studies, the proposed model is found to outperform other existing algorithms in virtue of convolutional deep learning networks. In this regard, we suppose this vision based-predictive model has lucrative potentials to handle with upcoming challenges related to particulate measurement.



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