어업권 피해로 인한 손실보상금의 분배에 관한 사례연구

A Case Study on the Distribution of Compensation for Fishery Loss due to the Damage of Fishing Rights

  • 김철수 (부산광역시청 수산자원연구소)
  • Kim, Cheol-Su (Busan Marine Fisheries Resources Research Institute)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.12
  • 심사 : 2018.12.27
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


The ocean is very important to mankind for its infinite value in resource storage and utilization. In shallow coastal waters, landfill as well as pollution damage occurs frequently for the promotion of important public and private projects that are the driving forces of national development. In this case, compensation paid for the loss or damage of fishing rights acquired by the fishing community shall be distributed to each individual of the fishing community in accordance with the appropriate balance. In reality, as fishing communities in different sectors coexist, the voting rights of the general meeting of fishing communities are ignored as a minority, and the demand for the rights is ignored by the majority. Many other industries receive fish compensation, even though they have not suffered much damage. As a result serious conflicts between the individuals of the fishing community have caused social problems. Therefore, similar cases are investigated and analyzed to provide a reasonable solution.



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