뉴로모픽 시스템용 시냅스 트랜지스터의 최근 연구 동향

  • 남재현 (충북대학교 신소재공학과) ;
  • 장혜연 (충북대학교 신소재공학과) ;
  • 김태현 (충북대학교 신소재공학과) ;
  • 조병진 (충북대학교 신소재공학과)
  • 발행 : 2018.06.30


Lastly, neuromorphic computing chip has been extensively studied as the technology that directly mimics efficient calculation algorithm of human brain, enabling a next-generation intelligent hardware system with high speed and low power consumption. Three-terminal based synaptic transistor has relatively low integration density compared to the two-terminal type memristor, while its power consumption can be realized as being so low and its spike plasticity from synapse can be reliably implemented. Also, the strong electrical interaction between two or more synaptic spikes offers the advantage of more precise control of synaptic weights. In this review paper, the results of synaptic transistor mimicking synaptic behavior of the brain are classified according to the channel material, in order of silicon, organic semiconductor, oxide semiconductor, 1D CNT(carbon nanotube) and 2D van der Waals atomic layer present. At the same time, key technologies related to dielectrics and electrolytes introduced to express hysteresis and plasticity are discussed. In addition, we compared the essential electrical characteristics (EPSC, IPSC, PPF, STM, LTM, and STDP) required to implement synaptic transistors in common and the power consumption required for unit synapse operation. Generally, synaptic devices should be integrated with other peripheral circuits such as neurons. Demonstration of this neuromorphic system level needs the linearity of synapse resistance change, the symmetry between potentiation and depression, and multi-level resistance states. Finally, in order to be used as a practical neuromorphic applications, the long-term stability and reliability of the synapse device have to be essentially secured through the retention and the endurance cycling test related to the long-term memory characteristics.



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