Review of Methods on the Discrimination and Measurement between Internal and External Contamination using Commercial Whole Body Counters

전신계측기를 이용한 인체 방사능측정 및 방사능오염 구분에 대한 고찰

  • Kim, Hee Geun (Division of Energy & Electrical Engineering, UiDuk University) ;
  • Kong, Tae Young (Radiation & Environment Laboratory, KHNP-CRI) ;
  • Lee, Goung Jin (Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chosun University)
  • 김희근 (위덕대학교 에너지전기공학부) ;
  • 공태영 (한수원중앙연구원 방사선환경연구소) ;
  • 이경진 (조선대학교 원자력공학과)
  • Received : 2018.02.15
  • Accepted : 2018.05.20
  • Published : 2018.06.30


A whole body counter (WBC) is used in nuclear power plants (NPPs) to identify and measure internal radioactivity of workers who is likely to ingest or inhale radionuclides. A WBC has several counting geometries, i.e. the thyroid, lung, whole body and gastrointestinal tract, considered with the location where radionuclides are deposited in the body. However, only whole body geometry is normally used to detect internal radioactivity during whole body counting at NPPs. It is overestimated internal exposure dose because this measured values are indicated as the most conservative radioactivity values among the them of other's geometry. It is often possible to estimate external contamination as internal contamination due to radionuclides attached to the skin of radiation workers and this leads to an excessively conservative estimation of radioactive contamination. In this paper, the reanalysis of previous experiments for radioactivity depending on the counting geometry of WBC using phantoms and standard radiation sources was carried out in order to improve overestimated internal exposure dose. Quantitative criteria could be used for selecting the optimal WBC counting geometry. Furthermore, discrimination guideline according to ratio of count rates of the upper and lower detectors of the WBC is provided through statistical analysis method.



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