Impact of Individual's Regulatory Focus on Value Perceptions of and Willingness to Invest towards Online Mass-Customized Fashion

  • Bhaduri, Gargi (Shannon Rogers and Jerry Silverman School of Fashion Design and Merchandising, Kent State University) ;
  • Kim, Jihyun (Shannon Rogers and Jerry Silverman School of Fashion Design and Merchandising, Kent State University)
  • 투고 : 2018.04.25
  • 심사 : 2018.06.26
  • 발행 : 2018.06.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of consumers' regulatory focus on their perceived values of the product as well as shopping process, and willingness to invest resources for online mass-customized products. Data were collected using an online survey from 251 young adult consumers, particularly those who have prior purchase experience of mass-customized products. Interpretation of results indicated that consumers' promotion regulatory focus impacted their perceived values of the product (social, emotional, monetary, and epistemic but not performance), perceived values of the shopping process (hedonic and utilitarian), and willingness to invest more money, time and effort. However, as anticipated, prevention regulatory focus had no significant influence on the dependent variables. Researchers provide crucial implications for brands of online mass-customized products to segment their market based on regulatory orientation, as well as better cater to customer demands by positioning their products as offering benefits that specifically caters to the needs of such consumers.



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