An Analysis of Research Trend on Risk Management in FTA

리스크관리 측면에서 FTA 연구동향 분석

  • 임목삼 (국제원산지정보원) ;
  • 최미수 (서울디지털대학교 금융소비자학과)
  • Received : 2018.01.31
  • Accepted : 2018.05.19
  • Published : 2018.05.31


This research aims to review every important academic research on risk management in FTA and to suggest a future area for further research. This research area seems to focus on conceptual study or fact finding rather than on theory development or empirical research on causal relationship or theory testing. The National Assembly Digital Library analyzed the results of 3,576 researches on thesis and journals fromthe results of the FTA. Research on FTA is analyzed in four major themes. First, there have been previous studies on business performance such as FTA export performance and economic effect. Second, analyzed the effects of FTA in product and service. The products are classified into agricultural, marine products, manufacturing, textiles and clothing, medicinal pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and others. Services are classified into educational and cultural contents, service industry and financial industry. Third, research on the risk management of FTA Origin is broadly classified into the use of country of origin and the verification of origin, and the use of origin includes the study of rules of origin and systems of origin and management. Origin verification was divided into origin verification and origin risk management. Fourth, study on the conclusion area of the FTA, studies were conducted on areas such as Korea-US FTA, Korea-China FTA, Korea-EU FTA, Korea-Japan FTA, Korea-Chile FTA, and Korea-ASEAN FTA. Search results through the FTA, focused on analyzing the FTA area and concept research by research purpose. In addition, research methods are mainly focused on documentary survey, and research areas are concentrated on specific countries such as China and USA. This implies a necessity for a future development in that research area. Other areas for future research may include case research on actual failures in FTA, proactive risk management strategy, and integrated risk management for export companies. Risk management in FTA may help investment expansion, and that is why research on the issue matters.



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