Smoking, Meat Intake and Exercise related to Alcohol Use

  • Received : 2018.04.24
  • Accepted : 2018.06.07
  • Published : 2018.06.29


This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between drinking, smoking, meat intake, and exercise. The participants were 1,060 males and females who voluntarily responded to the survey by visiting the health promotion booth at the H Festival held in C city in 2014. Research data were collected in interview form using questionnaires on alcohol use, smoking, exercise, and meat intake. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, cross tabulation analysis, multinominal logistic regression after stratification of gender using the SPSS 24 program. The results of the study are as follows: Smokers had a significantly higher frequency of drinking ($x^2=163.33$, p<.001) than non-smokers. Meat intake was high when alcohol use was high ($x^2=35.13$, p<.001). The risk rates for smoking, meat consumption, and exercise related to alcohol use are as follows. The smoking was higher as the frequency of drinking increased. For men, smoking OR(odd ratio) was 6.26 (p=.001) and for women, smoking risk OR was 16.82 (p=.002). Meats intake showed a higher OR as the alcohol use increased. The OR of almost daily ingestion of meat at frequent drinking days was 4.40 (p=.002) for males and 4.52(p=.009) for females. As the frequency of drinking increased, the OR of days of exercise tended to decrease. In men, the OR was 0.36 (p=.003), the lowest in the probability of exercising more than 5 days when drinking high. In the case of women drinking less than once a week, the OR was 0.43 (p=.027), which was the lowest for exercise for 5 days or more. In conclusion, the higher the frequency of drinking, the higher the smoking and meat intake, and the less exercise. If drinking, smoking, and meat intake are high but there is a lack of exercise, a chronic disease can occur and cause premature death unless there is a change in the new health behavior. The results of this study suggest researches to understand the motives related to alcohol abstinence, smoking cessation, dietary control and exercise, and to develop programs.



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