수정된 이원평가표를 이용한 품질속성의 분류에 관한 연구

Classification of Quality Attributes Using Two-dimensional Evaluation Table

  • 김광필 (동의과학대학교 경영계열) ;
  • 송해근 (동의과학대학교 경영계열)
  • Kim, Gwangpil (Dept. of management, Dong-Eui Institute of Technology) ;
  • Song, Haegeun (Dept. of management, Dong-Eui Institute of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2018.02.14
  • 심사 : 2018.03.27
  • 발행 : 2018.03.31


For several decades, attribute classification methods using the asymmetrical relationship between an attribute performance and the satisfaction of that attribute have been explored by numerous researchers. In particular, the Kano model, which classifies quality attributes into 5 elements using simple questionnaire and two-dimensional evaluation table, has gained popularity: Attractive, One-dimensional, Must-be, Indifferent, and Reverse quality. As Kano's model is well accepted, many literatures have introduced categorization methods using the Kano's evaluation table at attribute level. However, they applied different terminologies and classification criteria and this causes confusion and misunderstanding. Therefore, a criterion for quality classification at attribute level is necessary. This study is aimed to suggest a new attribute classification method that sub-categorizes quality attributes using 5-point ordinal point and Kano's two-dimensional evaluation table through an extensive literature review. For this, the current study examines the intrinsic and extrinsic problems of the well-recognized Kano model that have been used for measuring customer satisfaction of products and services. For empirical study, the author conducted a comparative study between the results of Kano's model and the proposed method for an e-learning case (33 attributes). Results show that the proposed method is better in terms of ease of use and understanding of kano's results and this result will contribute to the further development of the attractive quality theory that enables to understand both the customers explicit and implicit needs.



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