Evaluation of Spent Mushroom Substrates as Food for White-spotted Flower Chafer, Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae)

버섯 수확 후 배지의 흰점박이꽃무지 사료화 연구

  • Lee, Seul Bi (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Kim, Jong Won (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Bae, Sung Mun (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Hwang, Yeon Hyeon (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Lee, Heung-Su (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Lee, Byeong Jeong (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Hong, Kwang Pyo (Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Park, Chung Gyoo (Division of Applied Life Science (BK21+ Program), Institute of Life Science, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 이슬비 (경상남도농업기술원) ;
  • 김종원 (경상남도농업기술원) ;
  • 배성문 (경상남도농업기술원) ;
  • 황연현 (경상남도농업기술원) ;
  • 이흥수 (경상남도농업기술원) ;
  • 이병정 (경상남도농업기술원) ;
  • 홍광표 (경상남도농업기술원) ;
  • 박정규 (경상대학교 응용생명과학부(BK21+ Program)/생명과학연구원)
  • Received : 2018.02.13
  • Accepted : 2018.05.04
  • Published : 2018.06.01


The larva of the white-spotted flower chafer, Protaetia brevitarsis seulensis (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae), is known to have important medicinal properties, such as anti-cancer activity. However, the consumer market for the larvae is depressed because of its high production cost which needs to be reduced. This study was carried out to evaluate two spent mushroom substrates as food source for chafer larvae to improve the productivity and reduce production cost. The larvae were fed with spent substrates of king oyster mushroom (Pleurotus eryngii) (P-SMS) and shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) (L-SMS), with a control of fermented oak sawdust. Effects of the diets on the development of P. brevitarsis seulensis and contents of minor nutrient components in the larvae produced were examined. In the P-SMS diet, the larval rearing period was shorter at 16.2 days, while the rate of larval weight gain and the cocoon weight were higher at 156.3% and 4.1 g, respectively, than that in the L-SMS diet. The pupation rate was 100% and the adult emergence was higher at 93.3% in the P-SMS diet than in the L-SMS diet with no difference to the control diet. In the P-SMS diet, the total nitrogen content during rearing was higher at 10.28% and the minor nutrient component, particularly Fe (145.8 mg/kg), was higher than that in other diets. The oviposition preference of adults showed no significant difference among the diets. Economic analysis showed that P-SMS costs approximately 667,960 Won less per 100 kg of larvae produced, compared to that of the control diet.

항암작용과 간 질환을 예방하는 약용곤충으로 널리 알려진 흰점박이꽃무지 유충은 2016년 12월 일반식품으로 등록되었으나 판매가가 높아 소비가 활발하게 이루어지지 않고 있어 생산 단가를 낮추는 기술이 요구되고 있는 실정이다. 흰점박이꽃무지의 생산 비용을 절감하고 생산성을 향상시키기 위해 농업부산물인 새송이버섯 수확 후 배지와 표고버섯 수확 후 배지를 유충의 먹이로 급이하여 생육특성과 미량성분, 중금속함량을 조사하였고 대조구로는 관행으로 사용되고 있는 참나무 발효톱밥을 급이하였다. 새송이버섯 수확 후 배지를 급이한 처리구가 유충사육기간이 16.2일로 가장 짧았고 유충 무게 증가율과 고치 무게는 각각 156.3%와 4.1 g이었다. 새송이버섯 수확 후 배지를 급이한 처리구에서 용화율은 100%였고 우화율은 93.9%로 가장 높았지만 통계적 유의차는 없었다. 또한 총질소함량도 10.28%로 가장 높았고 미량원소 중 철은 145.8 mg/kg으로 다른 먹이와 비교해 높은 결과를 보였다. 성충의 산란선호성은 먹이 간 통계적 유의차가 없었다. 본 연구의 결과를 종합하였을 때 기존에 사용하고 있는 참나무 발효톱밥 대신 새송이버섯 수확 후 배지를 먹이로 사용하면 흰점박이꽃무지 유충 100 kg 당 667,960원의 비용이 감소할 것으로 추정된다.



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