긴꼬리가루깍지벌레와 붉은몸긴꼬리가루깍지벌레의 국내 분포 및 온도별 발육특성

Domestic Distribution and Temperature-dependent Development on Pseudococcus longispinus and P. orchidicola (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Korea

  • Jeong, Dae-Hoon (Department of Plant Medicine, College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Kyung, Ye Jin (Department of Plant Medicine, College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Hyunkyung (Department of Plant Medicine, College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Koo, Hyun-Na (Department of Plant Medicine, College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Cho, Soowon (Department of Plant Medicine, College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Gil-Hah (Department of Plant Medicine, College of Agriculture, Life and Environment Sciences, Chungbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2018.01.24
  • 심사 : 2018.05.01
  • 발행 : 2018.06.01


국내 분포조사가 되어 있지 않은 긴꼬리가루깍지벌레와 붉은몸긴꼬리가루깍지벌레를 대상으로 3년간(2015~2017년) 281지점의 관엽식물과 666지점의 과수를 조사하였다. 관엽식물의 경우 긴꼬리가루깍지벌레는 34지점에서 발견되었고, 붉은몸긴꼬리가루깍지벌레는 87지점에서 발견되었으나 과수에서는 두 종 모두 발견되지 않았다. 분포조사를 통해 채집한 긴꼬리가루깍지벌레와 붉은몸긴꼬리가루깍지벌레는 실내사육하며 온도별 발육특성을 조사하였다. 긴꼬리가루깍지벌레 암컷 약충은 $14^{\circ}C$에서 정상적인 발육을 하지 못하였으며, $16^{\circ}C$에서는 361.4일로 발육기간이 가장 길었으며 $32^{\circ}C$에서는 39.0일로 가장 짧았다. 긴꼬리가루깍지벌레 암컷 성충수명은 $28^{\circ}C$에서 71.7일로 가장 짧았으며, 산자수의 경우 $32^{\circ}C$에서 177.7마리로 가장 많았다. 붉은몸긴꼬리가루깍지벌레 암컷 약충은 $12^{\circ}C$에서 정상적인 발육을 하지 못하였으며 $14^{\circ}C$에서 184.9일로 발육기간이 가장 길었으며, $28^{\circ}C$에서는 21.5일로 가장 짧았다. 붉은몸긴꼬리가루깍지벌레 암컷 성충수명은 $28^{\circ}C$에서 51.5일로 가장 짧았으며, 산자수의 경우 $28^{\circ}C$에서 143.8마리로 가장 많았다. 세대순증가율($R_0$)과 내적자연증가율($r_m$)은 긴꼬리가루깍지벌레는 각각 $32^{\circ}C$에서 162.3, 0.127이며, 붉은몸긴꼬리가루깍지벌레는 각각 $28^{\circ}C$에서 98.3, 0.139로 가장 크게 나타났다. 따라서, 긴꼬리가루깍지벌레와 붉은몸긴꼬리가루깍지벌레의 최적 온도는 각각 $32^{\circ}C$$28^{\circ}C$로 판단되며 국내에서의 월동은 불가능한 것으로 보인다.

We surveyed 281 sites of tropical plants and 666 sites of fruit plants for three years (2015~2017) on Pseudococcus longispinus and Pseudococcus orchidicola which have not been surveyed domestically. In tropical plants, P. longispinus were found at 34 sites, while P. orchidicola were found at 87 sites. However, both species were not found in fruit plants. The developmental characteristics of P. longispinus and P. orchidicola were investigated under various temperatures. The female nymph of P. longispinus did not develop at $14^{\circ}C$ and the developmental period was the longest at $16^{\circ}C$ for 361.4 days and the shortest at $32^{\circ}C$ for 39.0 days. The longevity of female adult of P. longispinus was the shortest at $28^{\circ}C$ as 71.7 days. The number of offspring was highest at 177.7 at $32^{\circ}C$. The female nymph of P. orchidicola did not develop at $12^{\circ}C$. However, the developmental period was the longest at $14^{\circ}C$ for 184.9 days and the shortest at $28^{\circ}C$ for 21.5 days. The longevity of female adult of P. orchidicola was the shortest at 51.5 days at $28^{\circ}C$. The number of offspring was highest at 143.8 at $28^{\circ}C$. The net reproductive rate ($R_0$) and intrinsic rate of increase ($r_m$) of P. longispinus were 162.3 and 0.127 at $32^{\circ}C$, respectively. The $R_0$ and $r_m$ of P. orchidicola were 98.3 and 0.139 at $28^{\circ}C$, respectively. These results suggest that the optimum temperature of P. longispinus and P. orchidicola was $32^{\circ}C$ and $28^{\circ}C$, respectively. Therefore, we guess that they can never be able to survive the winter of Korea.



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