자성체 물질을 이용한 수중의 세슘제거 동향

Cesium removal in water using magnetic materials ; A review

  • 투고 : 2018.09.28
  • 심사 : 2018.12.03
  • 발행 : 2018.12.31


Even after the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, the rate of production of electric energy using nuclear energy is increasing, but there is a great danger such as the radioactive waste produced when using nuclear power, the catastrophic accident of nuclear power plant, and connection with nuclear weapons. In particular, Cs present in the ionic form of alkaline elements has a long half-life (30.17 years) because it is readily absorbed by the organism and emits intense gamma rays, thus presenting a serious radiation hazard. Therefore, it must be completely removed before it can be released into the natural ecosystem, because it can adversely affect not only humans but also natural ecosystems. Many adsorbents and ion exchangers which have high Cs removal efficiency have been used in recent years to completely separate and remove by self separation in water. Many adsorbents and ion exchangers which have high Cs removal efficiency have been used in recent years to completely separate and remove by self separation in water. In addition, researches have been doing to synthesize magnetic materials with adsorbents such as HCF and PB, and it shows a great effect in the removal rate of Cs present in wastewater or the maximum Cs adsorption amount. In particular, when a magnetic material was applied, excellent results were obtained in which only Cs was selectively removed from other cations. However, new problems such as applicability in the sea where Cs is directly released, applicability in various pH ranges, and failure to preserve the magnetizing force possessed by the magnetic body have been found. However, researches using ferromagnetic field with stronger magnetic properties than those of magnetic bodies is considered to be insufficient. Therefore, it is considered that if the researches combining the ferromagnetic field with the magnetization ability and functional adsorbents more actively, the radioactive material Cs which adversely affects the natural ecosystem can be effectively removed.


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Fig. 2 Status of Domestic electric power. [2]

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Fig. 3 The collapse diagram of Cs137 [12]

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Fig. 4 Hysteresis curve according to magnetic type. [17]

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Fig. 5 Removal of Cs (Vi) Using a magnetic material. [23]

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Fig. 6 Process for the perparation of NaCuHCF-MNPs to remove Cs. [28]

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Fig. 7 Mixture of NaCuHCF-MNP (left), A soltuion of NaCuHCF-MNP separated through a magnet (Right). [2]

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Fig. 8 Manufacturing process of magnetic nano-sized zeolite. [29]

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Fig. 9 Magnetic nano-sized zeolite photographed by TEM microscope. [29]

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Fig. 10 Magnetic Prussian blue/Graphene oxide reaction process and magnetic spearation process. [34]

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Fig. 11 Manufacturing process of PB/Fe3O4/GO. [35]

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Fig. 1 Status of Domestic Nuclear Power Plants. [2]

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Fig. 12 (Left) Magnetic separation of PB/Fe3O4, (Right) Magnetic separation of PB/Fe3O4/GO in water. [35]

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Fig. 13 (a) The direction of the ferromagnetic moment before the external magnetic field is given, (b) The moment inside the ferromagnetic body after the external magnetic field is given. [36]

Table 1. The adsorption amount of Cs according to the form of Zeolite

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Table 2. Graph of magnetic behavior, magnetic direction, and moment of magnetic materials. [37]

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Table 3. Previous studies in which Cs was removed from water by synthesis of Magnetic material and adsorbent

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