건축설계 전문성 개발을 위한 구성주의 수업전략 탐색 연구 - 문제중심학습, 사례기반학습, 프로젝트중심학습을 중심으로 -

A Comparative Study of Major Constructivist Teaching & Learning Strategies for Developing Learners' Expertise in Architectural Design - With a Focus on Problem-based Learning(PbBL), Case-based Learning(CBL), Project-based Learning(PjBL) -

  • Lee, Do-Young (Department of Architectural Engineering, Andong National University)
  • 투고 : 2017.11.10
  • 심사 : 2018.02.07
  • 발행 : 2018.03.30


This study pursued to obtain 3 consecutive purposes. First, a conceptual model for comparing 3 constructivist teaching and learning strategies( problem-based learning[$P_bBL$], case-based learning[CBL] and project-based learning[$P_jBL$]) was developed. Relationships of these constructivist strategies with the development of expertise for learners were discussed. Second, specific differences between $P_bBL$, CBL and $P_jBL$ as applied in architectural design courses were analyzed under each of the teaching and learning category. Some analytical indexes were developed by content analysis, which are applicable effectively to reveal the differences. Based on the previous findings, third, a set of strategic guidelines for use in class were made and suggested in order to develop and improve expertise in architectural design. These guidelines were largely targeted for university design courses as well as education or reeducation of practicing architects. Expecially, combined application of $P_bBL$, CBL and $P_jBL$ was hypothesized and suggested as class management guidelines. In sum, a variety of $P_bBL$ problems, CBL cases and $P_jBL$ projects should be developed for expecting audience based on design subjects and tasks. As working domains of practicing architects, exploring/analyzing, understanding/making applications, and criticizing/self-reflecting should be considered in the development process.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 안동대학교


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