Gastric Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy

  • Chung, Hyunsoo (Department of Internal Medicine and Liver Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine) ;
  • Khashab, Mouen A (Department of Medicine and Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Johns Hopkins Hospital)
  • Received : 2017.11.24
  • Accepted : 2018.01.22
  • Published : 2018.01.30


Gastroparesis (GP) is a syndrome characterized by delayed gastric emptying in the absence of mechanical obstruction of the stomach or proximal small bowel. Currently available dietary and medical therapies are limited and have suboptimal efficacy. Pylorus-directed therapies have showed promising results. Gastric peroral endoscopic myotomy (G-POEM) has been reported for the treatment of GP refractory to standard therapy with promising results. This article reviews the current applications and results of G-POEM for the treatment of refractory GP.



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