A Case Study on the College Dropout Rates

  • Shin, Young-Ok (Dept. of Business and Information Management, Hanyang Women's University)
  • Received : 2017.12.18
  • Accepted : 2018.04.11
  • Published : 2018.05.31


This study analyzes college dropout cases to reduce its rate. The analysis is preferentially carried out by figuring out our current situation of college dropout rate in pertinent cases and all around country's. Based on the current states, statistical analysis is accomplished as follows; analyzing the characteristic differences between the being in school's and the dropouts' by T-Test, determining the influence factor by logistic regression analysis and drawing the target group for special treatments through these statistical analysis. To reduce dropout rate, several measures could be adopted; focused counseling for each target group, special monitoring for students on leave of absence and opening major subjects for improving relationship between students and professors. The measures suggested by the analysis through this study are expected to lower the dropout rates effectively in college or specific fields including engineering science.



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