A Study on Five Circuits and Six Qi Learning of Ming Dynasty

명대(明代)의 운기학(運氣學)에 관한 연구(硏究)

  • Yun, Chang-yeol (Dept. of Medicine Classics, College of Korean Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • 윤창열 (대전대학교 한의과대학 원전학교실)
  • Received : 2018.04.23
  • Accepted : 2018.05.08
  • Published : 2018.05.25


Objectives: Following the Jin Yuan Dynasty, the Ming and Song Dynasties witnessed a great development of Yunqi xue. A study into this development has a vast significance in studying the history of the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Methods: The contents relating to Yunqi within the Comprehensive Medical Books, published during the Ming period, and medical texts separately published specifically dealing with Yunqi were used in order to review the unique characters of the study of Yunqi during this period. Results: There were many cases in the comprehensive medical books during the Ming period that dealt with Yunqi. Some of the examples are: Yunqilu in Yixueliuyao, YunQiZongLun in Yixuerumen, and Yunqilu in Yixueliuyao. A number of books that followed suit from the previous generation's study were published, the examples of which are Wangji's Yunqiyilan, and ZhangJiebin's LeiJingtuyi. WangJi, in his book, opposed the mechanic utilization of YunQi theory, and advocated the flexible application of the theory at the doctor's discretion. Liwei, in his YunQiZongLun, wrote a great deal of knowledge which he gained based on the previous-generation medical masters' achievements. Conclusions: Yunqi became widely accepted during the Ming period which led to some doctors advocating the flexible application of the YunQi theory, and some doctors even completely denouncing Yunqi.



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