An Empirical Study on Behavior and Psychology Concerning Invoice Disposal in the Context of Courier Services: A Comparative Study on Korea and the U.S.

  • Se Hun Lim (Department of Management Information Systems, Sangji University)
  • 투고 : 2018.02.22
  • 심사 : 2018.05.26
  • 발행 : 2018.06.29


This study investigates responses to privacy concerns by analyzing the psychological and behavioral characteristics related to the disposition toward invoices of courier service users. To this end, we develop a theoretical framework by combining stimulus response theory, communication privacy management theory, the theory of reasoned action, and the theory of planned behavior. Based on the theoretical framework, we analyze the relationships between social influence, privacy propensity, privacy control, privacy risk, privacy concern, invoice disposition intention, and invoice disposition behavior in the context of courier services. To test our hypotheses, we survey courier service users in the U.S. and Korea. Using a structural equation model, we test the relationships among these various factors for the courier service users of the two countries. Results have distinct implications for the psychological and behavioral characteristics concerning the disposal of courier invoices and enable understanding of the characteristics of courier service customers of the two countries.



I am grateful to Professor Dan J. Kim (University of North Texas) and Assistant Professor Kunsu Park (KIMEP University) for their help. I also acknowledge the valuable suggestions and insightful comments of the Editor in Chief, the Associate Editor and the Anonymous Reviewers. This research was supported by the research grant of the Korea Sanhak Foundation in 2017.


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