Three dimensional analysis of temperature effect on control rod worth in TRR

  • Yari, Maedeh (Department of Physics, K.N. Toosi University of Technology) ;
  • Lashkari, Ahmad (Reactors and Accelerators Research and Development School, Nuclear Science and Technology, Research Institute (NSTRI), Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI)) ;
  • Masoudi, S. Farhad (Department of Physics, K.N. Toosi University of Technology) ;
  • Hosseinipanah, Mirshahram (Reactors and Accelerators Research and Development School, Nuclear Science and Technology, Research Institute (NSTRI), Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI))
  • 투고 : 2018.03.10
  • 심사 : 2018.07.30
  • 발행 : 2018.12.25


In this paper, three-dimensional neutronic calculations were performed in order to calculate the dependency of CRW on the temperature of fuel and moderator and the moderator void. Calculations were performed using the known MTR_PC computer codes in the core configuration 61 of TRR. The dependency of CRW on the fuel temperature in the range of $20-340^{\circ}C$ and the moderator temperature of each control rods were studied. Based on the positions of the control rods, the calculations were performed in three different cases, named case A, B and C. By the results, the worth of each control rods increases by increasing of the coolant temperature in all methods, however, the total CRW is somewhat independent of the fuel temperature. In addition, the results showed that the variation of CRW versus density depends on the positions of the control rods and the most change in CRW in the coolant temperature, $20-100^{\circ}C$ (279 pcm), belongs to SR4. Finally the effect of void on CRW was studied for different void fraction in coolant. The most worth change is about $2 for 40% void fraction related to SR1 and SR3 in case B. For 40% void fraction, the total CRW increases about $7.5, $6 and $7 in cases, A, B and C, respectively.



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피인용 문헌

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