Growth of Two Native Zoysiagrasses Collected from Sea Side and Mountain Area in Indonesia on Growing Media Composed of Sand and Clay

  • Rahayu, Rahayu (Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University) ;
  • Dewantoro, Hery (Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University) ;
  • Arianto, Dwi Priyo (Agriculture Faculty, Sebelas Maret University) ;
  • Bae, Eun-Ji (Southern Forest Resources Research Center, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • Choi, Su-Min (Southern Forest Resources Research Center, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • Lee, Kwang-Soo (Southern Forest Resources Research Center, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • Yang, Geun-Mo (Department of Green Landscape Architicture Science, Dankook Univ.) ;
  • Choi, Joon-Soo (Department of Green Landscape Architicture Science, Dankook Univ.)
  • Received : 2017.12.05
  • Accepted : 2018.03.24
  • Published : 2018.03.31


Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.) exists spotly in Indonesia and it has potential to be used in parks, golf courses, and football fields. Many football fields and golf course fairways use sand as top soil over native soil. This study aims to analyze growth and quality of two native zoysiagrasses Zis and Zim. Zis is a native zoysiagrass collected in sea-side and Zim is a native zoysiagrass collected in mountain area. Both types of zoysiagrasses were planted at field with altitude of 300 m with various growing media mixes of sand and reservoir's sediment. Thickness of the growing medium was 10 cm over an alfisol clay soil. Experimental plots were constructed using factorial completely randomized design with two native zoysiagrasses and 5 types of growing media. Two ecotypes of native zoysiagrasses showed different in growth habits combined with mixtures of growth media. Zim showed higher growing speed including more vigor with uniformity and texture than Zis. There were not significanthly differences on leaf color and root length between two ecotypes of native zoysiagrasses collected in Indonesia.



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