Triangle Method for Fast Face Detection on the Wild

  • Received : 2018.02.22
  • Accepted : 2018.03.18
  • Published : 2018.03.30


There are a lot of problems in the face detection area. One of them is detecting faces by facial features and reducing number of the false negatives and positions. This paper is directed to solve this problem by the proposed triangle method. Also, this paper explans cascades, Haar-like features, AdaBoost, HOG. We propose a scheme using 12-net, 24-net, 48-net to scan images and improve efficiency. Using triangle method for frontal pose, B and B1 methods for other poses in neural networks are proposed.


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Fig. 1. Rectangle features (two, three and four rectanglefeatures).

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Fig. 2. Detection eye by HOG.

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Fig. 3. Different face characters.

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Fig. 4. Face or not face pose.

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Fig. 5. Scan image by 12, 24, 48-net window.

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Fig. 6. Face poses and features.

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Fig. 7. Neuron network.


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