Improving the Subject Independent Classification of Implicit Intention By Generating Additional Training Data with PCA and ICA

  • Oh, Sang-Hoon (Division of Information Communication Convergence Eng. Mokwon University)
  • Received : 2018.07.25
  • Accepted : 2018.10.24
  • Published : 2018.12.28


EEG-based brain-computer interfaces has focused on explicitly expressed intentions to assist physically impaired patients. For EEG-based-computer interfaces to function effectively, it should be able to understand users' implicit information. Since it is hard to gather EEG signals of human brains, we do not have enough training data which are essential for proper classification performance of implicit intention. In this paper, we improve the subject independent classification of implicit intention through the generation of additional training data. In the first stage, we perform the PCA (principal component analysis) of training data in a bid to remove redundant components in the components within the input data. After the dimension reduction by PCA, we train ICA (independent component analysis) network whose outputs are statistically independent. We can get additional training data by adding Gaussian noises to ICA outputs and projecting them to input data domain. Through simulations with EEG data provided by CNSL, KAIST, we improve the classification performance from 65.05% to 66.69% with Gamma components. The proposed sample generation method can be applied to any machine learning problem with fewer samples.



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