Fig. 1. Power mix according to the 8th basic plan for long-term electricity supply and demand
Fig. 2. Cumulative PV capacity of the major countries
Fig. 3. Average module price based on accumulated installation
Fig. 4. LCOE weighted average of utility solar
Fig. 5. LCOE trend by nations and applications
Fig. 6. Comparison of costs of solar PV system (5~500 kW) in Japan and Germany by elements
Fig. 7. Average poly-silicon utilization per wafer type (156×156 mm2)
Fig. 8. Cell efficiency improvement according to finger number with different finger width at 5 bus bar solar cell
Fig. 9. Average stabilized efficiency values for Si solar cells (156 × 156 cm2)
Fig. 10. Module power for 60-cell (156 × 156 cm2)
Fig. 11. Manufacturing cost for the c-Si module supply chain from 2014/15 to Q1 2017
Fig. 12. LCOE progress and targets without the ITC or state/Local incentives
Fig. 13. Pathways to achieving Sunshot 2030 goals
Fig. 14. Electricity cost of non-housing (10kW or more) solar power generation system estimated by the Japan’s procurement price calculation committee
Table 1. Current photovoltaic research program in NEDO, Japan
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