Efficacy of laughing voice treatment (SKMVTT) in benign vocal fold lesions

양성성대질환의 웃음 음성치료(SKMVTT)

  • 정대용 (동신대학교 대학원 언어치료학과) ;
  • 위준열 (광주광역시 엔탑이비인후과) ;
  • 김성태 (동신대학교)
  • Received : 2018.10.30
  • Accepted : 2018.11.26
  • Published : 2018.12.31


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a multiple voice therapy technique ($SKMVTT^{(R)}$) using laughter for the treatment of various benign vocal fold lesions. To achieve this, 23 female patients diagnosed with vocal nodules, vocal polyp, and muscle tension dysphonia through videostroboscopy were enrolled in vocal hygiene and $SKMVTT^{(R)}$. All of the patients were treated once a week for 4 to 12 sessions. The GRBAS scale was used to confirm the changes in voice quality before and after the treatment. Acoustic analysis was performed to evaluate jitter, shimmer, NHR, fundamental frequency variation, amplitude variation, PFR, and dB range. Videostroboscopy was performed to confirm the changes in the laryngeal features before and after the treatment. After the $SKMVTT^{(R)}$, the results of the perceptual evaluation demonstrated that the G, R, and B scales significantly improved. An acoustic evaluation also demonstrated that jitter, shimmer, NHR, vAm, vFo, PFR, and dB range also significantly improved after the $SKMVTT^{(R)}$. In comparison to the videostroboscopic findings, the size of the vocal nodules and vocal polyp decreased or disappeared after the treatment. In addition, the size of the cuneiform tubercles decreased, the length of the aryepiglottic folds became longer, and the laryngeal findings of the supraglottic compressions improved after the $SKMVTT^{(R)}$. These results suggest that the $SKMVTT^{(R)}$ is effective in improving the vocal quality of patients with benign vocal fold lesions. In conclusion, it seems that laughter and inspiratory phonation suppressed abnormal laryngeal elevation and lowered laryngeal height, which seems to have the effect of improving hyperfunctional phonation.



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