A study on Automatic field Test Equipment with improved maintenance and environmental reliability

  • Received : 2018.01.29
  • Accepted : 2018.03.14
  • Published : 2018.03.30


In this paper, I purpose one of the development methods for portable Automatic field Test Equipment(ATE) with VME form factor. Almost portable ATE have not used to standards form factor and they are connected by mechanical non-rigid general connectors and wire harnesses among the components. Furthermore, it is hard to reuse developed board. So, it decreases to reusability of developed board and it is hard to maintenance of ATE. Even those things have weakness for vibration and drop test especially in portable ATE. The XK9A1 ATE using VME form factor has environmental reliability through vibration, drop, temperature test. It consists of 5 developed board called the control board, the wire & wireless communication board, the power supply board, the load board and the mother board. It is connected by two wire harnesses between mother board and extern circular connectors. The control board send the data and address to other board though each 16-bit data and 20-bit address line. You can develop the function board what you want to using those data & address line when it comes to needing other function board.



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