Fig. 1. Mudstone 2 before and after soaking
Fig. 2. SEM photographs of the specimens at ×5000 magnification and result of XRD analysis (a) Red shale 1, (b) Red shale 2, (c)Mudstone 1 (d) Mudstone 2
Fig. 3. Result of slake durability test
Fig. 4. Rock samples (Red shale 1, Red shale 2, Mudstone 1)
Fig. 5. Saturation time for rocks
Fig. 6. UCS of dry and saturated samples
Fig. 7. Dry (left) and saturated (right) shale specimens after microwave oven operation and temperature
Fig. 8. Capsule and remolded specimen
Fig. 9. Crack development due to microwave oven operation
Fig. 10. UCS of saturated and microwave
Fig. 11. Specimens after microwave oven operation and temperature
Fig. 12. Rock temperature increase by drying oven and microwave oven
Table 1. Physical properties of sedimentary rocks
Table 2. Quantitative analysis on specimens of composition using WDS system in EPMA
Table 3. Results of various strength tests for sedimentary rocks
Table 4. Summary of unconfined compression tests under dry and saturated conditions
Table 5. Summary of unconfined compression tests under saturated and microwave conditions
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