A Survey about Consensus Algorithms Used in Blockchain

  • Nguyen, Giang-Truong (School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Kyungbaek (School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Chonnam National University)
  • 투고 : 2017.11.17
  • 심사 : 2017.01.03
  • 발행 : 2018.02.28


Thanks to its potential in many applications, Blockchain has recently been nominated as one of the technologies exciting intense attention. Blockchain has solved the problem of changing the original low-trust centralized ledger held by a single third-party, to a high-trust decentralized form held by different entities, or in other words, verifying nodes. The key contribution of the work of Blockchain is the consensus algorithm, which decides how agreement is made to append a new block between all nodes in the verifying network. Blockchain algorithms can be categorized into two main groups. The first group is proof-based consensus, which requires the nodes joining the verifying network to show that they are more qualified than the others to do the appending work. The second group is voting-based consensus, which requires nodes in the network to exchange their results of verifying a new block or transaction, before making the final decision. In this paper, we present a review of the Blockchain consensus algorithms that have been researched and that are being applied in some well-known applications at this time.


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Fig. 1. How a verifying system checks if the transaction is requested by the true sender.

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Fig. 2. An example of Blockchain [22].

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Fig. 3. The fields inside a block.

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Fig. 4. The process for handling with the nonce: guessed secret value.

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Fig. 5. How Bitcoin handles the forking problem.

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Fig. 6. A script for double spending attack [33].

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Fig. 7. Strategy for choosing the main chain when fork appears. Adapted from Sompolinsky and Zolar,“Secure high-rate transaction processing in bitcoin,” in Financial Cryptography and Data Security.Heidelberg: Springer, 2015, with the permission of Springer [40].

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Fig. 8. Rounds for verifying transactions in Hyperledger fabric. Adapted from Sukhwani et al.,“Performance modeling of PBFT consensus process for permissioned blockchain network (HyperledgerFabric),” in Proceedings of the IEEE 36th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Hong Kong,China, 2017, with the permission of IEEE [69].

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Fig. 9. BFT-SMaRt execution. Adapted from Bessani et al., “State machine replication for the masseswith BFT-SMART,” in Proceedings of 2014 44th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference onDependable Systems and Networks, Atlanta, GA, 2014, with the permission of IEEE [72].

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Fig. 10. Example of quorum slice in Stellar.

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Fig. 11. Node's role transition in Raft [80].

Table 1. Comparisons between PoW, PoS, and their Hybrid form

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Table 2. Comparisons between vote-based consensus and proof-based consensus algorithms

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Table 3. Summary of surveyed consensus algorithms in this paper

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Table 3. Continued

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