Effects of dietary fermented spent coffee ground on nutrient digestibility and nitrogen utilization in sheep

  • Choi, Yongjun (Department of Animal Science and Technology, Konkuk University) ;
  • Rim, Jong-su (Department of Animal Science and Technology, Konkuk University) ;
  • Na, Youngjun (Department of Animal Science and Technology, Konkuk University) ;
  • Lee, Sang Rak (Department of Animal Science and Technology, Konkuk University)
  • 투고 : 2017.09.06
  • 심사 : 2017.10.23
  • 발행 : 2018.03.01


Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the effect of fermented spent coffee ground (FSCG) on nutrient digestibility and nitrogen utilization in sheep. Methods: Fermentation of spent coffee ground (SCG) was conducted using Lactobacillus plantrum. Fermentation was performed at moisture content of 70% and temperature of $39^{\circ}C$ with anaerobic air tension for 48 h. Four adult rams (initial body weight = $56.8{\pm}0.4kg$) were housed in a respiration-metabolism chamber and the treatments were: i) control (Basal diet; 0% SCG or FSCG), ii) 10% level of SCG, iii) 10% level of FSCG, and iv) 20% level of FSCG in $4{\times}4$ Latin square design. Each dietary experiment period lasted for 18-d with a 14-d of adaptation period and a 4-d of sample collection period. Results: In SCG fermentation experimental result, acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN) concentration of FSCG (64.5% of total N) was lower than that of non-fermented SCG (78.8% of total N). Digestibility of dry matter and organic matter was similar among treatment groups. Although crude protein (CP) digestibility of the control was greater than FSCG groups (p<0.05), the 10% FSCG group showed greater CP digestibility and nitrogen retention than non-fermented 10% SCG group (p<0.05). Body weight gain and average daily gain were linearly decreased with increasing FSCG feeding level (p<0.05). When the feeding level of FSCG was increased, water intake was linearly increased (p<0.05). With an increasing FSCG level, dry matter intake did not differ among groups, although the gain to feed ratio tended to decrease with increasing level of FSCG (p<0.10). Conclusion: Microbial fermentation of SCG can improve protein digestibility, thereby increasing CP digestibility and nitrogen utilization in sheep. Fermentation using microorganisms in feed ingredients with low digestibility could have a positive effect on improving the quality of raw feed.



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