Joint stress based deflection limits for transmission line towers

  • 투고 : 2017.07.17
  • 심사 : 2017.09.23
  • 발행 : 2018.01.10


Experimental investigations have revealed significant mismatches between analytical estimates and experimentally measured deflections of transmission towers. These are attributed to bolt slip and joint flexibility. This study focuses on effects of joint flexibility on tower deflections and proposes criterions for permissible deflection limits based on the stresses in joints. The objective has been framed given that guidelines are not available in the codes of practices for transmission towers with regard to the permissible limits of deflection. The analysis procedure is geometric and material nonlinear with consideration of joint flexibility in the form of extension or contraction of the cover plates. The deflections due to bolt slip are included in the study by scaling up the deflections obtained from analysis by a factor. Using the results of the analysis, deflection limits for the towers are proposed by limiting the stresses in the joints. The obtained limits are then applied to a new full scale tower to demonstrate the application of the current study.



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