A Study on Operating Profile Creation Method for Risk-Based Oversight

위험기반 항공안전감독을 위한 운영 프로파일 생성기법 연구

  • Received : 2018.06.01
  • Accepted : 2018.12.26
  • Published : 2018.12.31


Risk Based Oversight is a way of performing oversight, where planning is driven by the combination of risk profile and safety performance. Risk Based Oversight enables prioritization and allocation of State's safety management resources commensurate with the safety risk profile of each service provider. This paper presents the concept of Risk Based Oversight and applies it to the current Korean aviation safety oversight process. In particular, this study presents a method for generating operating profiles, one of the key concepts of Risk Based Oversight. Operations Specifications of Part 121 Airlines can generate operating profiles. In this study, a practical study was conducted to generate the operating profile and scoped DCTs using Part 121 Airlines's Operations Specifications.


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Fig 1. Risk Based Oversight scheme proposed by EASA

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Fig 2. SAS Oversight Model

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Fig 3. SAS Scoping Process Utilizing Configuration Data

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Fig. 4 Comparison of Configuration Data collection status between FAA SAS and Korea

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Fig 5. Korean-Master List of Funtions(K-MLF)

Table 1. SAS SP DCT Scoping Rules

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Table 2. Vital Data Field Customized to suit the Korean aviation industry

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Table 3. Scoping Rules Utilizing DCTs and Configuration Data

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Table 4. Operating Profile of 9 Airlines in Korea

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  1. ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization), "Safety Management Manual (SMM)", Fourth Edition, 2017
  2. EASA(European Aviation Safety Agency), "Practices for risk-based oversight ", 2016
  3. FAA(Federal Aviation Administration), "SAS External Portal User Guide", 1.4, 2016
  4. KAIA(Korea Agency for Infrastructure technology Advancement), "Development of System Approach Aviation Safety Oversight Assistant Technology The 1st R&D report", 2014
  5. Regulations on Flight Standards Information Management System 8900.1
  6. Flight Standards Service Oversight, FAA ORDER 8000.368A
  7. KAIA(Korea Agency for Infrastructure technology Advancement), "Development of System Approach Aviation Safety Oversight Assistant Technology The 4st year R&D Re-Planning report", 2017