EWIS Reliability Analysis of Aging Fighter Aircraft through Teardown Inspection

완전분해 점검을 통한 장기운영 전투기 전기배선시스템의 신뢰성분석

  • Received : 2018.11.22
  • Accepted : 2018.12.27
  • Published : 2018.12.31


According to the incresement of aging aircraft, Republic of Korea Air Force (RoKAF) conducted a teardown inspection of aircraft's EWIS (electrical wiring interconnection system) to determine the status of deterioration and the influence of failure occurrences due to it. The inspected aircraft were the retired fighter jets that had been used for more than 40 years. By analyzing defect type and the defect tendency, RoKAF can establish the necessary measures for the usage extension of their fleet and furthermore, the analysis results can be used as a basic data for the preparation of it's aircraft aging. EWIS inspection was done throughout careful visual inspection technique by removing all the ducts and pipes located in the fuselage and wings. For the aircraft wiring where no damage was found, the elongation tests were performed to determine the deterioration of wiring according to the location of the aircraft. The connectors, which is the main cause of intermittent failure, were completely disassembled and inspected for internal damage such as corrosion, abrasion, and traces of foreign objects. The detected defects were classified into 4 severity levels based on the type of damage, and the classified defects were weighted according to the criticality which may affects to it's system to establish the action plan.


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Fig 1. Defect distribution of F-4 EWIS

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Fig 2. Defect distribution of F-5 EWIS

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Fig 3. Defects type of aging aircraft EWIS

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Fig 4. Classification of wire defect

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Fig 5. Defective component distribution of F-4 EWIS

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Fig 6. Defective component distribution of F-5 EWIS

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Fig 7. Elongation test result of #20 Wire

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Fig 8. Elongation test result of #22 Wire (F-4)

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Fig 9. Elongation test result of #22 Wire (F-5)

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Fig 10. Example of a connector inspection

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Fig 11. Quantitative condition rating result (F-4)

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Fig 12. Quantitative condition rating result (F-5)

Table 1. EWIS defects by type

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Table 2. Criteria for condition code assignment of defect

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