A Study on the appropriateness of attach stands

공항의 접현주기장 규모 산정 방법의 적정성 연구

  • 박성도 (한국항공대학교 대학원 항공교통물류학과) ;
  • 이영혁 (한국항공대학교 항공교통물류학부) ;
  • 장조원 (한국항공대학교 항공운항학부)
  • Received : 2018.11.25
  • Accepted : 2018.12.23
  • Published : 2018.12.31


Master plan plans for new airports should estimate the approximate scale of the airside's moorings and terminals. The size of the pavilion can be determined by complex factors such as the operating hours of the operating company, the frequency of operation, and the aircraft class. Among them, the number of flights is calculated using the Horon-jeff equation because of the relationship between the number of flights and the time occupied by the mains. Since this estimation formula is a simplified formula, it is necessary to verify the appropriateness of the method of estimating the scale and to suggest improvement directions. Therefore, in this study, we propose a method of estimating the size of the western flags by investigating and analyzing the main airports of overseas airports to determine whether the application of the Horon-jeff formula is appropriate.


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Fig 1. Type of apron

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Fig 2. Capacity of airport by runway type

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Fig 3. Number of apron and flights per yer

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Fig 5. Trand line analysis

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Fig 6. Changed trand line graph

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Fig 7. apron trend line by formula

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Fig 8. Graph comparision

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Fig 4. Trand line graph

Table 1. apron list

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Table 2. Regression coefficient statistics

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Table 3. Regression coefficient statistics

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Table 4. Calculated apron number

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  1. Yang Seung Sin 2001 "Aiport plan and Operation"
  2. R. Horonjeff, Francis X. Mckelvey, William J. Sproule, Seth B. Young, "Planning and Design of Airports", 5th Edition.
  4. Branko Bubalo-Belgrade, 1983, European Idle Network Capacity-An Assessment of Capacity, Demand and Delay at congested 33 Airport