Coupled dynamic responses of a semisubmersible under the irregular wave and turbulent wind

  • Dey, Swarnadip (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology) ;
  • Saha, Kaushik (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology) ;
  • Acharya, Pooja (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology) ;
  • Roy, Shovan (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology) ;
  • Banik, Atul K. (Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2018.08.28
  • 심사 : 2018.11.05
  • 발행 : 2018.12.25


A coupled dynamic analysis of a semisubmersible-type FOWT has been carried out in time domain under the combined action of irregular wave and turbulent wind represented respectively by JONSWAP spectrum and Kaimal spectrum. To account for the turbine-floater motion coupling in a more realistic way, the wind turbulence has been incorporated into the calculation of aerodynamic loads. The platform model was referred from the DeepCwind project and the turbine considered here was the NREL 5MW Baseline. To account for the operationality of the turbine, two different environmental conditions (operational and survival) have been considered and the aerodynamic effect of turbine-rotation on actual responses of the FOWT has been studied. Higher mean offsets in surge and pitch responses were obtained under the operational condition as compared to the survival condition. The mooring line tensions were also observed to be sensitive to the rotation of turbine due to the turbulence of wind and overestimated responses were found when the constant wind was considered in the analysis. Additionally, a special analysis case of sudden shutdown of the turbine has also been considered to study the swift modification of responses and tension in the mooring cables.



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