Deflection and stress behaviour of multi-walled carbon nanotube reinforced laminated composite beams

  • Lal, Achchhe (Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVNIT Surat) ;
  • Markad, Kanif (Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVNIT Surat)
  • 투고 : 2018.10.10
  • 심사 : 2018.11.30
  • 발행 : 2018.12.25


The paper presents the thermo-mechanically induced non-linear response of multiwall carbon nanotube reinforced laminated composite beam (MWCNTRCB) supported by elastic foundation using higher order shear deformation theory and von-Karman non-linear kinematics. The elastic properties of MWCNT reinforced composites are evaluated using Halpin-Tsai model by considering MWCNT reinforced polymer matrix as new matrix by dispersing in it and then reinforced with E-glass fiber in an orthotropic manner. The laminated beam is supported by Pasternak elastic foundation with Winkler cubic nonlinearity. A generalized static analysis is formulated using finite element method (FEM) through principle of minimum potential energy approach.



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