남성화장품 브랜드명의 의미론적 특성

Semantic characteristics of men's cosmetics brand names

  • 나수임 (상명대학교 패션디자인과)
  • Rha, Soo-Im (Dept. of Fashion Design, Sangmyung University)
  • 투고 : 2017.08.01
  • 심사 : 2018.02.19
  • 발행 : 2018.02.28


The purpose of this research is to study the semantic characteristics of men's cosmetics brand names by analyzing 51 brand names in the domestic market, so as to find ways to develop strategic brand names. In order to investigate this area, the study looked at the Interbrand Company's Name Spectrum, and the results are as follows. The men's cosmetics brand names turned out to be freestanding brand names, descriptive brand names, and associative brand names, in that order. The freestanding brand names were found to be the initial combinations of the words that have the desired benefits in the concepts of the pertinent brands; in other words, coined brand names that were made by synthesizing words such as nice men, naturalism, eco-friendly plant-derived materials and ideal skin. Associative brand names are generally used to express the effect of enhancing brand awareness by considering the phonetic image of the word or prompting a masculine and favorable image. Descriptive brand names use language symbols such as men, homme, man, monsieur and gentle to represent specific business and product categories for men, and also use stem, plant, flower, skin, beauty, moisturizing, tosowoong and so on to provide the properties and beneficial information related to the products. In conclusion, the men's cosmetics brand names embody an important factor that symbolizes the concepts, functions or features of the brand, and there is a need for men's cosmetic brands to develop more unique and distinctive brand names to promote their brand names as constitutional factors that can build brand power and strengthen brand image.



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