Fig. 1. Two morphological types of V. emeryi queen: (a) long-winged morph (L-queen) and (b) short-winged morph (S-queen).
Fig. 2. Flow cytometric analysis of V. emeryi two wing morphs. As the internal standard, D. melanogaster (D) was added in queen and worker samples, and queen (Q) with the corresponding wing morph with sampled male was added in the male samples. (A) Long-winged queen (B) Short-winged queen (C) Long-winged worker (D) Short-winged worker (E) Long-winged male (F) Short-winged male. Vertical axis: number of nuclei and horizontal axis: fluorescence intensity.
Fig. 3. Amplification results of the Wolbachia specific PCR. The size of the PCR amplicons was examined with the 100 bp ladder.
Table 1. Sampling localities and geographical information of the V. emeryi colonies
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