Research on improvement of law for invigorating autonomous vehicle

  • Received : 2018.08.17
  • Accepted : 2018.10.05
  • Published : 2018.11.30


The Korean government announced its goal of commercializing autonomous vehicle by year 2020. With such changes, it is expecting to decrease car accident mortality by half. To commercialize autonomous car, not only worries on safety of autonomous vehicle has to be solved but at the same time, institutional system has to be clear to distinguish legal responsibilities in case of accident. This paper will present the legal improvement direction of the introduction of autonomous vehicles as follows. First, it is necessary to re-establish concept of 'driver' institutionally. Second, it is appropriate to focus on Level 3 autonomous vehicle which is about to be commercialized in year 2020 and organize legal responsibility. Third, we should have a clear understanding on how level 3 autonomous vehicle will be commercialized in the future. Fourth, it is necessary to revise The Traffic Law, Act on Special Cases concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accident, and Automobile Accident Compensation Security Law in line with level 3 autonomous vehicle. Fifth, it is necessary to review present car insurance system. Sixth, present Product Liability Law is limited to movable products (Article 2), however, it is necessary to include intangible product which is software. Seventh, we should review on making special law related to autonomous car including civil, criminal, administrative, and insurance perspectives.


Table 1. Development of autonomous driving technology

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