Fukuoka Next-generation Social System Creation Hub as a Regional Innovation Platform Strategy

  • 투고 : 2018.10.19
  • 심사 : 2018.12.14
  • 발행 : 2018.12.26


The purpose of this article is to introduce and describe the case of Fukuoka Next-generation Social System Creation Hub based on the conceptual framework of regional innovation platform strategy. In short, it is a "government-issued" regional innovation platform strategy to improve innovativeness with limited creative capital through "borrowing" not money but network, wisdom, know-how, and ideas from each other between some stakeholder groups in a region. The Fukuoka Industry, Science & Technology Foundation, which is the coordinating institution of the whole program, plays the role of a platformer to unify various projects into the program crossing borders between stakeholder groups for building regional innovation platforms that lends intensive support to feedback loops between the program facilitator and its partners in the program. Thanks to being a government-issued one, it could be tied together with some wide ranging issues of policy on social innovations, such as the "low carbon society" or the "health and longevity society." But at the same time, it is a concern that many regional research institutions that have innovative potential and diverse ideas become governed by the platform without their noticing it and dealt with in the same way based on "selected" and "designated" strategic goals. Therefore, it seems that a regional innovation platform strategy is a kind of "double-edged sword" in public policy in the era of "panopticism of bureaucratic society" in Japan.



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