Aloe gel layer is well known as raw materials of medicines and cosmetics due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In aloe gel extracting process, the outer part of the leaf was removed. It contains high quality of fiber and many nutrients. However, this part is thrown away and generally used as fertilizer. The purpose of this research was to examine the important nutrient of Aloe saponaria. Moreover, the feasibility of using aloe as a dietary supplement by feeding fermentation treatment of aloe was investigated. To do this, the aloe leaf was divided into several parts including leaf skin, bottom of the leaf, tip of the leaf, middle of the leaf, and leaf flesh. Then the saponin content were analyzed from each part. The extraction method was used to clarify the saponin content. The aloe then fermented to improve it benefit. The fermented Aloe then given as dietary food to group of pig. Finally, the appropriate feed level was determined and the pork meat quality was analyzed. The extraction of saponin shows that the highest concentration of saponin located on the skin of the leaf. The feeding experiment shows that there is no significant difference in pig growth without aloe dietary food and groups with aloe as dietary food. It was conclude that fermented aloe can replace the pigs normal feeder as an alternative feeding solution.