Exploration on Writing Ability Considering Thinking Styles in Engineering Freshmen

공과대학 신입생의 사고양식을 고려한 글쓰기 능력 탐색

  • Received : 2017.12.26
  • Accepted : 2018.01.10
  • Published : 2018.01.31


This research aims to explore the relationships between academic writing ability and 'thinking styles' (capable of representing individual differences and diversity) in engineering freshmen in Korea, and to draw educational implications for the development of instructional strategies. (Academic) Writing is not just about conveying an idea or content, it is also about the representation of writer's self. In this perspective, there has been some research conducted on writing (process) and personality. However, to date, little attention has been paid to writing ability of engineering students and its relationships with thinking styles. This study was conducted with 127 engineering freshmen as well as 67 non-engineering freshmen at H University, and students' writing ability as well as their thinking styles have been measured before and after writing class for 15 weeks. Our findings show that firstly, there was a significant difference of writing ability by majors. Second, there were significant differences in freshmen's thinking styles by majors. Third, there was significant differences of writing ability according to thinking styles. Freshmen's internal, legislative and hierarchical styles scored significantly higher in writing ability than the others. And as for the engineering freshmen, internal, external and global styles scored significantly higher in writing ability than the others. Finally, there was a weak but significant relationship between writing ability and thinking styles(hierarchical & internal). These findings are expected to provide an explanation for the development of instructional strategies of writing (related) courses in engineering school.



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