Evolution of microbiology in the 21st century and the change of oral health care management paradigm

21세기 미생물학의 혁명과 구강위생관리 패러다임의 변화

  • Kim, Hyesung (Apple Tree Dental Hospital, Myungsun Medical Foundation)
  • 김혜성 (명선재단 사과나무치과병원)
  • Received : 2018.08.29
  • Accepted : 2018.10.25
  • Published : 2018.10.31


Prior to the end of the 20th century, microorganism research was limited to culture and has since been revolutionized by genetic analysis. Microorganisms, including bacteria, can cause disease, but most of them are commensal microorganisms in our bodies. This knowledge changes the pathological approach to infectious diseases and lends to a new perspective on the effects of gut and oral microorganisms on disease and health. The oral cavity, particularly the periodontal pocket, is considered to be a reservoir of microbes that cause disease, and oral microbial control is becoming more important. In this review, I will examine the changes in the microbiological revolution and the meaning of oral healthcare management based on those changes.
