Current Discussions on International Carbon Markets under the Post-2020 Climate Change Regime and Its Implications

신기후체제 하의 국제탄소시장에 관한 최신 논의 현황과 시사점

  • Received : 2017.03.02
  • Accepted : 2017.03.22
  • Published : 2017.03.31


This study sees the past, present and future of the international carbon market. It is expected that it is not until 2020 and beyond before the international carbon market is settled by international consensus, and it is too early to picture the international carbon market at this point. Instead, this study focuses on analyzing the content of Article 6 of the Paris Convention, being fully aware of the uncertainties surrounding the international carbon market and can only be a step in determining the future of the international carbon market. In the future, the international negotiations will be under fierce competition of countries, each of which aims to make their advantageous system or mechanism recognized internationally Therefore, it is necessary for Korea to devise a system that can maximize the national interest and try to be recognized in the international society. To accomplish this, the following tasks are required at the present stage. First, we need to include the basic directions for the reduction using the international carbon market in the preparation of the roadmap for GHG reduction in Korea. Based on the directions presented in the roadmap for reducing GHG emissions, Korea should set up a government-wide plan on the international carbon market. In addition, a long-term TF should be formed to enact such plans in the international community. The international carbon market is an issue that several professional fields overlap, and it is indeed difficult to pursue by a single ministry. Therefore, it is necessary to create and strengthen the TF that can cope immediately with the international movement.
