청년 취업자의 기업규모별 이직 결정요인 및 임금효과

Youth Employees Turnover Determinants by Business Scale and Wage Effects

  • 투고 : 2017.03.14
  • 심사 : 2017.06.22
  • 발행 : 2017.06.30


본 연구는 청년패널데이터(2009년~2014년)를 병합하여 청년취업자의 기업규모별 이직 결정요인 및 임금효과를 분석하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기업규모별 이직률(정규직 기준)은 소기업 25.6%, 중기업 25.1%, 대기업 17.2%로 나타나 기업규모가 클수록 이직률이 낮았다. 둘째, 청년취업자의 이직사유는 근로조건 불만 40.3%, 직무불일치 39.2%, 개인사유 11.8%순으로 나타났으며, 직무불일치에 따른 이직은 중소기업(38.5%)보다 대기업(41.5%)이 더 높았다. 셋째, 이직여부에 따른 직장만족도와 직무-전공 일치성을 분석한 결과, 모든 영역에서 직장만족도와 직무-전공 일치성이 낮을수록 이직률이 높았다. 넷째, 패널회귀분석을 통해 기업규모별 이직 결정요인을 분석한 결과, 이직에 유의한 영향을 미친 변수는 임금과 고용형태 등 객관적 근로조건뿐만 아니라 직장만족도와 직무-전공일치도 변수 등도 이직률을 낮추는 것으로 분석되었다. 다섯째, 이직여부에 따른 임금격차는 이직한 청년취업자가 3.1%정도 낮았으며, 이러한 임금격차는 시간의 흐름에 따라 더욱 확대되었다. 다만 고용형태(비정규직${\rightarrow}$정규직)와 기업규모(중소기업${\rightarrow}$대기업)가 변경된 이직은 그렇지 않았다. 따라서 청년취업자들의 이직률을 낮추기 위해서는 객관적 근로조건과 더불어 전반적인 직장만족도와 직무-전공 일치성을 높일 필요가 있으며, 청년취업자는 이직을 하는 것 보다는 동일한 기업에 장기간 근무하는 것이 합리적 선택이라고 할 수 있다.

This study combined Youth Panel Data(2009~2014) to analyze youth employees' turnover determinants by business scale and wage effects and the results are as follows: First, the turnover rate of youth employees was analyzed and as a result, the average turnover rate in 2014 was 26.3% and was found to be small company 25.6%, medium-sized company 25.1%, large company 17.2% in terms of business scale (based on regular permanent position), showing that the larger the company size, the lower the turnover rate. Second, turnover reasons of youth employees were found to be dissatisfaction with working conditions 40.3%, job mismatch 39.2%, personal reasons 11.8% in order and turnover by job mismatch was higher in large companies (41.5%) than in small and medium enterprises (38.5%). Third, job satisfaction and job-major agreement depending on the status of turnover were analyzed and as a result, the lower the job satisfaction and job-major agreement, the higher the turnover rate in all areas. Fourth, scale turnover determinants by business scale were analyzed through panel regression analysis and as a result, variables significantly affecting turnover were analyzed to affect objective working conditions such as wage and employment type and job satisfaction and 'job-level of education skill level major'agreement variables to lower the turnover rate as well. Fifth, wage effects depending on the status of turnover were estimated and as a result, the wage level of youth employees who changed their job was lower than that of youth employees working in the same company by about 3.1% and this wage gap was further expanded over time. But, turnover of changing employment type(temporary position${\rightarrow}$regular permanent position) and company size (small and medium enterprise${\rightarrow}$large company) was not the case. Therefore, in order to reduce the turnover rate of youth employees, it is necessary to increase overall job satisfaction and job-major agreement with objective working conditions and working in the same company for a long period of time rather than changing jobs frequently can be said to be rational choice in terms of youth employees.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국연구재단