• Sun, Zhongyang (School of Mathematics Science Huaibei Normal University)
  • Received : 2016.08.19
  • Accepted : 2017.02.24
  • Published : 2017.11.30


In 1997, H. Li [12] proposed a conjecture: if $M^n(n{\geqslant}3)$ is a complete spacelike hypersurface in de Sitter space $S^{n+1}_1(1)$ with constant normalized scalar curvature R satisfying $\frac{n-2}{n}{\leqslant}R{\leqslant}1$, then is $M^n$ totally umbilical? Recently, F. E. C. Camargo et al. ([5]) partially proved the conjecture. In this paper, from a different viewpoint, we study closed convex spacelike hypersurface $M^n$ in locally symmetric Lorentz space $L^{n+1}_1$ and also prove that $M^n$ is totally umbilical if the square of length of second fundamental form of the closed convex spacelike hypersurface $M^n$ is constant, i.e., Theorem 1. On the other hand, we obtain that if the sectional curvature of the closed convex spacelike hypersurface $M^n$ in locally symmetric Lorentz space $L^{n+1}_1$ satisfies $K(M^n)$ > 0, then $M^n$ is totally umbilical, i.e., Theorem 2.



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