User Density Estimation System at Closed Space using High Frequency and Smart device

  • Received : 2017.09.13
  • Accepted : 2017.10.28
  • Published : 2017.11.30


Recently, for safety of people, there are proposed so many technologies which detect density of people at the specific place or space. The representative technology for crowd density estimation was using image analysis method from CCTV images. However, this method had a weakness which could not be used and which's accuracy was lower at the dark or smog space. Therefore, in this paper, to solve this problem, we proposed a user density estimation system at closed space using high frequency and smart device. The system send inaudible high frequencies to smart devices and it count the smart devices which detect the high frequencies on the space. We tested real-time user density with the proposed system and ten smart devices to evaluate performance. According to the testing results, we confirmed that the proposed system's accuracy was 95% and it was very useful. Thus, because the proposed system could estimate about user density at specific space exactly, it could be useful technology for safety of people and measurement of space use state at indoor space.



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  1. User Visit Certification System using Inaudible Frequency vol.26, pp.7, 2017,