Does a cognitive-exercise combined dual-task training have better clinical outcomes for the elderly people with mild cognitive impairment than a single-task training?

  • Park, Jin-Hyuck (Department of Occupational Therapy, Kyungbok University)
  • 투고 : 2017.08.03
  • 심사 : 2017.08.11
  • 발행 : 2017.08.30


Objective: This study was to develop and verify the effects of the exercise-cognitive combined dual-task training program on cognitive function and depression of the elderly with mild cognitive impairment(MCI). Methods: The subjects were randomly assigned to the exercise-cognitive combined dual-task training group(n=32) or single-task training group(n=31). To identify the effects on cognitive function, general cognitive function, frontal lobe function, and attention/working memory were measured. Depression was evaluated using Korean version of Geriatric Depression Scale. The outcome measurements were performed before and after the 8 weeks of intervention(2 days per week). Results: After 8 weeks, general cognitive function, frontal cognitive function, attention/working memory function, depression of the dual-task training group were significantly increased than those of the single-task training group(p<0.05). Conclusion: The results indicated that an exercise-cognitive combined dual-task training for MCI was effective in improving general cognitive function, frontal /executive function, attention/working memory function and reducing depression.



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