Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the flexural strength of flexible resins and the flexibility of different resin splint (RS) systems in comparison with resin wire splint (RWS) system. Materials and methods: Three different resin materials (G-aenial flo, GA, GC; Superbond, SB, Sun medical; G-fix, GF, GC) were tested flexural strength test in accordance with ISO-4049:2000. For the flexibility test of splint systems, a artificial model with resin teeth was used to evaluate three types of resin splint systems (GA, SB, and GF) and one resin wire splint system. The left central incisor was simulated 'injured teeth' with third degree mobility. Three consecutively repeated measurements of periotest value were taken in horizontal direction, before and after splinting to access tooth mobility. The splinting effect was calculated through the periotest value. Differences were evaluated through One-way Anova and Tukey HDS post-hoc tests for pair-wise comparison (${\alpha}=.05$). Results: Although GA group showed significant higher flexural strength than SB and GF groups, all of three different resin splint systems produced a significantly higher and rigid splinting effect compared with 016" resin-wire splint system (P < .05). Conclusion: Within the limits of an in vitro study, it can be stated that resin splint systems are too rigid and may not be acceptable to treat tooth avulsion.
목적: 본 연구의 목적은 탄성력이 높게 개발된 레진의 굽힘 강도를 평가하고, resin wire splint (RWS)와 유연성을 비교 평가하는 것이다. 재료 및 방법: 세가지 레진 G-aenial flo (GA, GC), Superbond (SB, Sun medical), G-fix (GF, GC)의 세 점 굽힘 강도는 ISO4049/2000에 따라 진행하였다. GA, SB, GF를 이용한 세개의 RS군과 GA와 교정용 016" SS wire를 이용한 RWS군간의 치아 동요도 비교는 영구치 모형을 이용하였다. 상악좌측중절치에 3도의 동요를 부여하고, 치아의 수평적인 동요도를 splint 전후에 각 3회씩 periotest vale로 평가하였다. Splint 전후 periotest value는 splinting 효과로 환산하여 평가하였다. 통계적인 평가는 one-way ANOVA와 turkey HDS test를 이용하였다(${\alpha}=.05$). 결과: SB와 GF가 GA에 비해 낮은 굴곡강도를 보였으나, 세가지 RS군은 RWS에 비해 높은 splinting 효과를 나타내었다 (P < .05). 결론: 제한된 본 연구에서 사용된 재료와 상관없이 RS는 RWS에 비해 높은 견고성을 보였으며, 이는 탈구치아 치료를 위한 flexible splint에 부적합한 것으로 보인다.