Meat Quality and Storage Characteristics of Pork Loin Marinated in Grape Pomace

  • Lee, Hyun-Joo (Department of Nutrition and Culinary Science, Hankyong National University) ;
  • Lee, Jae-Joon (Department of Food and Nutrition, Chosun University) ;
  • Jung, Myung-Ok (Department of Analysis & Certification, Foundation of Agri. Tech. Commercialization & Transfer) ;
  • Choi, Jung-Seok (Swine Science & Technology Center, Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Jung, Ji-Taek (Department of Animal Science, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Choi, Yang-Il (Department of Animal Science, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Lee, Jin-Kyu (Department of Animal Science, Chungbuk National University)
  • 투고 : 2017.04.22
  • 심사 : 2017.09.18
  • 발행 : 2017.10.31


This study investigated the meat quality and storage characteristics of pork loin marinated in grape pomace powder during different storage periods. The experimental design included six treatments : pork loin containing only 100% water (Control, C); pork loin containing a combination of 20% grape pomace and 80% water (T1); pork loin containing a combination of 40% grape pomace and 60% water (T2); pork loin containing a combination of 0.5% grape pomace powder and 95.5% water (T3); pork loin containing a combination of 1.0% grape pomace powder and 99.0% water (T4); and pork loin containing a combination of 2.0% grape pomace powder and 98.0% water (T5). The pork loins aged by grape pomace and grape pomace powder showed decreased crude protein, crude fat, crude ash, pH, redness, and yellowness values; however, their moisture, lightness, and shear force increased significantly. During cold storage, marination with grape pomace and grape pomace powder reduced the 2-thiobarbituric acid value, volatile basic nitrogen value, and total microbial count in pork loin. Thus, marination with grape pomace and grape pomace powder improved the meat quality and storage characteristics, and could be used to improve storage stability of pork loin.



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